MAST is participating in the Marine Career Day at the Mystic Aquarium from 5-7PM on Dec. 1.
Author: Trumbull, Nathaniel
Avery Point Open House on Nov. 15
MAST faculty and students participated in the Avery Point Open House on Sat., Nov. 15.
Kroum Batchvarov to speak at Explorers Club in NYC on Nov. 3
Mystic Aquarium Career Day on Nov. 17, 5-7PM
Maritime Studies faculty members will be at the Mystic Aquarium Career Day on Nov. 18, 5-7PM, to answer questions about the Maritime Studies 4-year major.
Kroum Batchvarov speaks at Humanities Institute
Kroum Batchvarov speaks at Humanities Institute on October 20, 2014.
Northeast Mitigation Leadership Forum
Sponsored by CT Sea Grant
July, 21 2014 at 4:41pm
October 8, 2014
Stamford Marriott Hotel, Stamford CT
Risk & resilience – ready for the big storm?
2014 Connecticut Maritime Festival, Sept 11-13, 2014
Maritime Studies is a partner of the 2014 Connecticut Maritime Festival, Sept. 11-13, 2014. See