Maritime Studies Curriculum Tracks



Blue Humanities


MAST 2100W Ports of Passage

MAST 2210E/HIST 2210E History of the Ocean

MAST 3531/ANTH 3531/HIST 3209 Maritime Archaeology of the Americas

MAST 3532/ANTH 3532/HIST 3210 Archaeology of the Age of Sail

MAST 3544/HIST 3544 Atlantic Voyages

MAST 3652/ENGL 3652 Maritime Literature to 1800

MAST 3653/ENGL 3653 Maritime Literature since 1800

ENGL 2600 Introduction to Literary Studies

HIST 2100 The Historian’s Craft

HIST 3102 Topics in Public History Methods

HIST 3542 New England Environmental History


Up to two other courses with approval by advisor and MAST head



Maritime Archaeology


MAST 2210E/HIST 2210E History of the Ocean

MAST 3531/ANTH 3531/HIST 3209 Maritime Archaeology of the Americas

MAST 3532/ANTH 3532/HIST 3210 Archaeology of the Age of Sail

MAST 3544/HIST 3544 Atlantic Voyages

ANTH 2501 Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 2510 Methods in Maritime Archaeology

GEOG 2500 Introduction to GIS

MARN 4160 Scientific Diving


Up to two other courses with approval by advisor and MAST head



Marine Policy


Suggested introductory coures for Marine Policy

ARE 1150 Principles of Agricultural and Resource Economics

ECON 1200 Principles of Economics (Intensive) or ECON 1201 Principles of Microeconomics

MARN 3014/EEB 3230 Marine Biology

STAT 1000Q Introduction to Statistics I OR STAT 1100Q Elementary Concepts of Statistics


Marine Policy Courses

[*not currently taught at AP]

MAST 2300E Marine Environmental Policy

MAST 2467E/ECON 2467E Economics of the Oceans

MAST 3600/GEOG 3600 Global Dynamics of the Shipping Industry

MAST 3832/POLS 3832 Maritime Law

ARE 2235 Marine Economics and Policy

ARE 3434E Environmental and Resource Policy

ARE 3436 Economics of Integrated Coastal Management

ARE 3437E Marine Fisheries Economics and Policy

*ARE 4438E Valuing the Environment

ECON 2201 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

ECON 3466E Environmental Economics

GEOG 2100 Economic Geography

GEOG 2500 Introduction to GIS

GEOG 3220W Environmental Evaluation and Assessment

GEOG 3340 Environmental Management and Planning

MARN 4018 Ecology of Fishes

NRE 3245 Environmental Law

*NRE 3000 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

*NRE 4335 Fisheries Management

POLS 2072Q Quantitative Analysis in Political Science

*POLS 3239 Politics of the Environment and Development


Up to two other courses with approval by advisor and MAST head



Fisheries Policy


Suggested introductory courses for Fisheries Policy

BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I

BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II

ECON 1200 Principles of Economics (Intensive) or ECON 1201 Principles of Microeconomics or ARE 1150 Principles of Agricultural and Resource Economics

MATH 1071Q Calculus for Business and Economics or MATH 1131Q Calculus I

NRE 1000E Environmental Science

STAT 1000Q Introduction to Statistics I OR STAT 1100Q Elementary Concepts of Statistics


Fisheries Policy Courses

[*not currently taught at AP]

MAST 2300E Marine Environmental Policy

MAST 2467E/ECON 2467E Economics of the Ocean

MAST 3832/POLS 3832 Maritime Law

ARE 2235 Marine Economics and Policy

ARE 3434E Environmental and Resource Policy

ARE 3437E Marine Fisheries Economics and Policy

ECON 2311 Econometrics

ECON 3466E Environmental Economics

EEB 2208 Introduction to Conservation Biology Methods

EEB 2244 General Ecology

EEB 4200 Biology of Fishes

GEOG 2500 Introduction to GIS

MARN 3012 Marine Invertebrate Biology

MARN 3014/EEB 3230 Marine Biology

MARN 4018 Ecology of Fishes

*NRE 2345 Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife

*NRE 3000 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources

*NRE 3385W Fisheries Techniques

*NRE 4335 Fisheries Management

STAT 2215Q Introduction to Statistics II

STAT 3025Q Statistical Methods

STAT 3515Q Design of Experiments


Up to two other courses with approval by advisor and MAST head


Reviewed by MKBE 5.19.2020